[caption id="attachment_1222" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="The Bling"]

It happened on Father's Day -- June 20.� James and I had headed back to our same camping spot from last year, on an island in Casco Bay off the coast of Freeport, Maine.� Emmett was staying right across the bay with James' parents.� The weather was fabulous, and we were enjoying all the sun, extra snoozes and s'mores that a camping trip usually offers.
After watching a short afternoon thunderstorm roll in, James thought it'd be fun to set up the camera to take a picture of us in front of the sun setting over the water. On take two, James knelt down and proposed -- and we have the picture to prove it! Clever one, that James.� Neither of us can even remember exactly what he said when he proposed, but the gist of it was that he was so happy with our family already and that he wanted to be together forever.� I said, "Of course!" and then proceeded to tell him to "put the ring on my finger already."
[caption id="attachment_1212" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="James' Proposal"]

Besides the wrong ring size (I just got it back from getting re-sized today!) and the resultant scare in the woods that involved me briefly losing my new bling (it was too small for my ring finger but apparently way too big for the pinkie I ended up wearing it -- and losing it -- on), I couldn't have dreamed up a better engagement.� What was Emmett's reaction, you ask?� I'm pretty sure he couldn't care less, and it sounded like he actually said something like "so what?" when we told him.� But let me tell ya -- he's going to make the most adorable little ring bearer.� Now let the planning begin!
[caption id="attachment_1213" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Boat Smooch"]

For more photos from our trip, check out the album, "Camping Engagement."
Visit our wedding website, http://jamesandpamgetmarried.com.
Age Timer: 17 Months