In proper Price is Right fashion, my soon-to-be nephew, Gus is "[coming] on down!"� I'm so excited!� My sister, Adrienne had a visit with her obstetrician this afternoon, and she is 1 cm
dilated and 75%
effaced.� Little Gus is on his way!� She is due July 11, so it could be any day now.� Some cool possibilities for Gus' birthday:
- July 4 - Adrienne's husband, Mac's birthday, not to mention Independence Day!
- July 9 - Adrienne and Mac's wedding anniversary (4 years)
- July 16 - Emmett's half birthday; the cousins would be exactly 6 months apart!
I'm thrilled to be a first time aunt once Gus arrives.� It's so crazy to think that if Gus is born by July 16, I'll be a first time mom
and aunt all within 6 months!� Babies, babies, babies!
Enjoy this video (taken a month ago) of Adrienne's nephew, Patrick, engaging in some prenatal care for baby Gus ...
Adrienne and Mac are heading to their friend's wedding this Friday.� Maybe some wedding dancing will induce labor ...
Age Timer: 23 weeks, 5 days