[caption id="attachment_370" align="alignleft" width="194" caption="Birthing Ball"]
James and I attended our first of two
natural childbirth classes last Sunday at
Isis Maternity.� Before we went, I was thinking the class would either sell me on or deter me from my decision to birth Baby Lump naturally.� The verdict?� It's still a "go."
If you're thinking there is still a possibility the second class will make me rethink my decision, it's very unlikely.� The first class was devoted to the particularly scary stuff - we watched a pretty rough video, which was basically a compilation of unedited footage of women in labor.� Next class we're focusing on more pleasant things like breastfeeding.
[caption id="attachment_371" align="alignright" width="259" caption="Birthing Ball - Alternate Use "]
So far the class has done a good job of preparing us preggo students for the
three stages of labor, suggesting various relaxation techniques and positions for coping with the pain.� During the
early phase of labor, many techniques involve using what the obstetrics community calls a "
birthing ball," which every non-pregnant woman in the world knows as an exercise ball.� So for all you fitness enthusiasts out there who are planning to have a baby at some point in your life, that exercise ball you've been using for your crunches is going to come doubly in handy some day.� Messing around with that "birthing ball" was my favorite part of class - I've already ordered my own, and it's on its way.
Oh yeah, and our instructor is also quite a hoot.� Her name is Sandy, and she had absolutely no reservations about getting down on the floor and demonstrating different birthing positions.� She is currently a nursing student who is planning to become a
midwife.� We think she's great.
Baby Lump's stats for week 31:Measurement/Weight: Baby Lump should now weigh about 4 to 5 pounds and measures approximately 16� 1/2 inches.� He/she will continue to gain about a half pound per week until shortly before birth - Yowzers!
Other Highlights: Baby Lump is beginning to develop immunity to mild infections, his/her appearance is similar to what it will be at birth (sans some weight) and he/she may start to be getting into position for birth (head turned down toward the pelvis).
We're down to a single digit countdown now - only 8� 1/2 weeks (or fewer) to go!
Oven Timer: 31 weeks, 3 days