My oldest sister, Adrienne, is pregnant!!!
Can you tell I've been holding this in for a while?� Ever since she told me about about a month ago, I've basically been harassing her via phone and Facebook message about when I was allowed to blog about it.� Well, I've finally gotten the green light, and I'm ridiculously excited!
[caption id="attachment_430" align="aligncenter" width="464" caption="the mommy- and daddy-to-be"]

The baby will be Adrienne and my brother-in-law, Mac's first.� Their due date is July 11, so it looks as though Baby Lump is going to have a cousin very close in age, which I think is awesome.� While it is a bit of a bummer that Baby Nutter (Mac and Adrienne's last name is Nutter) will be stationed far away in Michigan, it will still be nice for the two rugrats to have each other's company at least during family gatherings.� And although Baby Lump will have bragging rights as the first grandchild in our family, I can bet both babies will be spoiled equally by both the grandparents and great-grandparents.
What I can't bet on, though, is that A's pregnancy will be anything like mine.� As far as I can tell, she'll be finding out Baby Nutter's flavor ASAP.� And the natural childbirth route?� Fuhgetaboudit!� Either way, I'm going to be a mother and an aunt all within less than a year - how exciting!
Congratulations, Adrienne and Mac!� May your 9 week old tadpole grow into a lovely little Nutter Butter :o)
Nutter Oven Timer: 8 weeks, 6 days