
Patiently Awaiting the Arrival of Baby K

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Oct 7, 2009 11:33:32 AM

James' brother and sister-in-law headed to the hospital yesterday to induce labor.� Poor Sara was almost 2 weeks overdue, and it seems Mr. Baby K (for their last name) was getting a little too comfortable in his crowded little motel room.� Although it seems like it was a little slow going at first (apparently they spent last evening playing cards and eating hospital food), there has been no word from them yet today, so we're wondering if things are starting to move along.

In the life of Emmett, there's not too much exciting going on this week over here.� He seems to have a runny nose, so his nickname of "SlobberPuss" has slowly been evolving into "SnotterPuss."� His Halloween costume came in the mail the other day, and it fits him perfectly!� We can't wait for all of you to see him in it!

[caption id="attachment_1018" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Happy Stander "]Happy Stander [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1019" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Flying Baby!"]Flying Baby![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1020" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Content to Crawl"]Content to Crawl[/caption]

Other than that, we've basically just been waiting for the exciting news of Baby K's debut.� Hopefully by the end of the evening I'll be able to update this post and announce the news of his arrival!

Age Timer: 8 months, 3 weeks

Topics: Weekly Updates, baby, newborn, labor

Pamera is Back

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 22, 2009 1:27:28 PM

In college, a few of my friends appropriately nicknamed my camera "Pamera."� It went with me wherever I went, and everyone appreciated how well it documented our college years.� When they heard about the loss of my camera a couple of weeks ago, the nickname resurfaced.

Well I'm pleased to announce I received my replacement Pamera in the mail yesterday!� Pamera III, I think it is.� I haven't stopped taking pictures and recording video since!� A few highlights (though I added tons more to Flickr - check the blog's right-hand column) ...

[caption id="attachment_959" align="aligncenter" width="532" caption="Smiles at the kitchen table"]Smiles at the kitchen table[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_960" align="aligncenter" width="530" caption="Duck Lips (And Escape)"]Duck Lips (And Escape)[/caption]

I finally got a proper video of Emmett's army crawl ...


And in case you're a baby and are interested in knowing how to escape from your bouncer seat, check out Emmett's how-to video:


In other news, Emmett pulled himself up to standing position for the first time the other day!� I know what your reaction is (since everyone's reaction has been the same): "You're in for it now!"� Yup - I know.� I'm hoping to capture his new stunt on video soon; right now all I have is a shoddy photo from my Blackberry (the camera hadn't arrived yet).

Look for pictures and a virtual video tour of the new apartment this weekend!� I'm also working hard to get a shot of Emmett's two toofers, but it's a tough one to capture.� Emmett doesn't exactly follow the "open your mouth" direction very well yet.

Age Timer: 8 months, 6 days

Topics: Weekly Updates, Milestones, video, Firsts

Hunger Action Month: Child Nutrition

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 16, 2009 10:55:01 AM

You may have noticed that I've had a new badge on my sidebar for a couple of weeks.� September is Hunger Action Month, and I agreed to help spread the word, especially since this year its focus is on child nutrition, which is something that, now that I'm a mother, is on my radar a lot more than it used to be.� So if you have a minute, head on over to to discover ways you can contribute and help raise awareness.

On a completely unrelated topic, technology has really been disagreeing with me the past couple of weeks.� I mentioned in my last post that I left my digital camera on the flight to Detroit for Labor Day weekend (and never got it back).� Well, since then, my laptop suffered a fatal injury and died from a leaky pipe on the ceiling of our new apartment (welcome home, right?), and my first generation iPod Nano no longer saves battery power, which makes it practically useless (Yes, at least it had a nice long life.).� On the bright side, the iPod lasted almost 4 years, the dead laptop is one that I won in a raffle, and my hard drive is completely in tact.� Still, a major bummer all around.

Until I purchase a new camera (which will be very soon), I'm restricted to taking low-quality pictures on my Blackberry, which ends up making Emmett look very emo or kind of vintage...

[caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="548" caption="Emo Baby"]Emo Baby[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_954" align="aligncenter" width="548" caption="Stackables"]Stackables[/caption]

You'll also notice that the blog has a new feel to it.� I chose a new Wordpress theme - I wanted something fresh and simple.� How do you like it?

Age Timer: 8 months (Can you flippin' believe it?)

Topics: Weekly Updates

Meeting Gus & Sprouting Toofers

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 8, 2009 8:40:56 AM

Busy isn't even the word to describe the past couple of weeks.� Packing and moving (and unpacking) took over our life for a while, and then once we were done with that (well, almost), we headed over to Michigan for Labor Day weekend to visit my sisters, brother-in-law and new, 2-month old baby nephew, Gus.

[caption id="attachment_941" align="aligncenter" width="484" caption="Emmett tries to reason with Gus "]Emmett tries to reason with Gus [/caption]

Besides the unfortunate incident of me leaving my digital camera in the seat-back pocket on the flight to Detroit,� (I'm still mourning its loss, which included an adorable video of Emmett on his first-ever flight) we had "great times" in the Great Lakes State, watching an Olympic sailing qualifying race, hanging out with babies and taking pictures (on cameras other than my own).� And Emmett's first couple airplane experiences went surprisingly well.� A little bit of crying here and there, but nothing we (or other passengers) couldn't handle.

In other news, Emmett has not one, but two toofers!� Two of his bottom front teeth have broken free, and James and I agree that now he looks just like a classic cartoon baby.

The rest of this week will involve finishing touches on the apartment and new digital camera shopping (so we can take pictures of said apartment).

Man, it feels good to blog again!

More of last weekend in pictures ...

[caption id="attachment_942" align="aligncenter" width="470" caption="2 Month Gus"]2 Month Gus[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_943" align="aligncenter" width="520" caption="Getting changed together"]Getting changed together[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_944" align="aligncenter" width="523" caption="Adrienne, Gus, me & Emmett"]Adrienne, Gus, me & Emmett[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_945" align="aligncenter" width="524" caption="James keeping Gus pacified on a yoga ball"]James keeping Gus pacified on a yoga ball[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_946" align="aligncenter" width="527" caption="Party pic with Aunt LuLu"]Party pic with Aunt LuLu[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_947" align="aligncenter" width="453" caption="Family pic in the park"]Family pic in the park[/caption]

Age Timer: 7 months, 3 weeks

Topics: Weekly Updates, Milestones, family, holidays, Firsts, Labor Day, teeth, flight, Detroit

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