[caption id="attachment_941" align="aligncenter" width="484" caption="Emmett tries to reason with Gus "]

Besides the unfortunate incident of me leaving my digital camera in the seat-back pocket on the flight to Detroit,� (I'm still mourning its loss, which included an adorable video of Emmett on his first-ever flight) we had "great times" in the Great Lakes State, watching an Olympic sailing qualifying race, hanging out with babies and taking pictures (on cameras other than my own).� And Emmett's first couple airplane experiences went surprisingly well.� A little bit of crying here and there, but nothing we (or other passengers) couldn't handle.
In other news, Emmett has not one, but two toofers!� Two of his bottom front teeth have broken free, and James and I agree that now he looks just like a classic cartoon baby.
The rest of this week will involve finishing touches on the apartment and new digital camera shopping (so we can take pictures of said apartment).
Man, it feels good to blog again!
More of last weekend in pictures ...
[caption id="attachment_942" align="aligncenter" width="470" caption="2 Month Gus"]

[caption id="attachment_943" align="aligncenter" width="520" caption="Getting changed together"]

[caption id="attachment_944" align="aligncenter" width="523" caption="Adrienne, Gus, me & Emmett"]

[caption id="attachment_945" align="aligncenter" width="524" caption="James keeping Gus pacified on a yoga ball"]

[caption id="attachment_946" align="aligncenter" width="527" caption="Party pic with Aunt LuLu"]

[caption id="attachment_947" align="aligncenter" width="453" caption="Family pic in the park"]

Age Timer: 7 months, 3 weeks