My belly has definitely been getting plumper.� Wanna know how I can tell?� The bigger it gets, the shallower my belly button cavity gets.
It's kind of funny how much my belly button has been the topic of discussion between James and me lately.� At this point, if I squeeze the sides of it I can make it temporarily pop out.� Was that too much information?� Is this too weird?� We think it's hilarious.� And my research has proven we're not the only ones obsessed with the pregnant belly-button phenomenon.
James is truly looking forward to the day when my belly button pokes out from its little lair.� Although, this is probably because he thinks there will be an actual, defining moment when my belly button will suddenly burst free, making an audible "pop"ping sound.� Keep dreaming, James.� My belly button is not a turkey timer.� (Although the similarities between a baked turkey and a near-ready bun in the oven aren't too far-fetched!)
As for my bun's development this week, Baby Lump should be about 14� 1/2 inches long and weigh 2� 1/2 pounds.� What's even more exciting is, if born today, he/she would have a whopping 85% chance of survival since his/her lungs are now capable of breathing air!
Feel free to also join in on congratulating me on the completion of my second trimester.� It's all downhill from here ... that is, unless you count the whole natural birthing part.
Oven Timer: 27 weeks, 1 day