
Place Your Baby Bets!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 26, 2008 10:53:53 AM

[caption id="attachment_242" align="alignleft" width="296" caption=""Guess my sex, birth date and weight!""]asdfsdfa[/caption]

I have to admit - when my friend, Keith first came to me with the idea of creating a facebook group for people to place bets on my baby-to-be's birth stats, I was pretty hesitant.� However, once I realized giving him the "okay" wouldn't really mean I was pimping out my baby, I gave in.� (Plus, he promised to put two dollars of every five-dollar bet toward a baby gift for Baby Lump.� Hey, we'll always need extra diapers, right?)

The "Pam and James Baby Betting Pool!! $5 Entry!" group has only been in existence for about 24 hours, but I'm already starting to notice the potential for how much fun it could be.� It's really interesting to see what people's guesses are and wonder who will be correct (or closest to it).� I've even started making an Excel spreadsheet of the first submissions (eh - you already knew I'm a geek).� And after a chat with the group's original creator, we've decided to change a few things ...

In the spirit of the group, we've decided to eliminate monetary wagers.� This was also decided after the realization that people probably won't be sending me five-dollar bills in the mail.� (Unfortunately, facebook is lame and doesn't allow you to change the name of a group after it's already been created, so don't be deceived by the title.)� Anyway, I figured more people would post their guesses on the wall if they didn't think they had to contribute a few bucks, and I'm honestly just curious to see if anyone will guess the three stats dead-on.� Which reminds me, guesses are to be made in the form of three categories:

  1. Sex/Flavor (you know - boy or girl)

  2. Date of Birth (Month/Date)

  3. Birth Weight (in pounds and ounces format)

The official rules are posted in the group's description, including specifications for scoring and how the winner will be chosen.� So please, join the group and place your bet guess!� Just be careful not to guess the same as someone else!

While there may not be any monetary compensation for the winner, I already have a few ideas up my sleeve as far as prizes go.

And hey, even though we've gotten rid of the actual betting, if you'd still like to submit a five-dollar donation for the future purchase of diapers, by all means! :o)

I've decided to post an ongoing list of people's guesses in a separate page on this blog called "Birth Stats," which I will try to update regularly.

Oven Timer: 24 weeks, 4 days

Topics: contest, Polls, little baby lump, betting, guessing game, fun, facebook group, gambling

What's With My Mini Baby Bump?

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 24, 2008 3:03:58 PM

[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignright" width="199" caption="not me "]not me [/caption]

I've been getting a lot of comments lately about how small my baby bump is relative to how far along I am.� After last week's post, my friend, Keith doubted there was any way a $5 footlong from Subway could fit in my belly.� Actually, I ate one the other day, so truth is, my mini belly can actually fit two!� Take that, Keith!

Seemingly, it's some kind of phenomenon.� I mean, check out the woman on the right compared to me - no wonder people think I'm a freak.� James laughs at me because I'll look at pictures on Baby Gaga of other women with similar due dates and get what he calls "belly envy" because I'm so much tinier than they are.

What's funny is that women who have had children keep saying how lucky I am to be so small at this point in my pregnancy.� The only problem is that my paranoid self keeps worrying something is wrong with Baby Lump, even though my doctor seems to think everything is normal.

[caption id="attachment_220" align="alignleft" width="219" caption="me"]me[/caption]

I am, however, secretly hoping my lack of bump means my baby will turn out to be one of those five and a half pounders instead of one of those bowling ball-heavy babies like James was.� (He was almost 11 pounds at birth!)� James laughs at me for thinking this, too.� Hey, I can dream ...

I'm pretty confident strangers can't even tell I'm pregnant.� At least, I haven't had any random people give up their seats for me on the train or pet my belly yet.� Although I'm thinking maybe the latter is a good thing.

In developmental news, Baby Lump won't really be getting any taller this week - just chubbier.� Keep thinking $5 footlong, just ask the sandwich builder to stuff some more meat in there.� Anyway, hooray for adorable baby fat weight gain!� This week alone, he/she will be gaining half a pound, totaling 1� 1/3 lbs.� In addition, rapid bone formation is occuring and Baby Lump's brain and nervous system continue to grow in complexity.

Another major milestone is that Baby Lump is now at the point of viability, which means if Baby Lump would pop out of the womb today, he/she would actually have a fair chance of survival (30%-70%!).� If born this week, Baby Lump would look something like this.� Can you imagine?� I have to start watching for signs of premature labor.� Yikes!

Let's just hope Baby Lump decides to bake for a while longer, shall we?

Oven Timer: 24 weeks, 2 days

Topics: Weekly Updates, Milestones, pregnancy, baby bump, little baby lump, milestone, viability, development, 24 weeks, baby belly

Thirty-Two Years of Marriage, For The Win!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 18, 2008 10:13:38 AM

Today is my parents' 32nd wedding anniversary.� Wowzers!� That's quite an accomplishment.� I was tempted to send them the following someecard:

Instead, I sent them one a little less sarcastic.� The one above definitely doesn't do them justice.� My sisters and I couldn't have asked for a more supportive and loving set of 'rents.� I only hope I turn out to be as wonderful a parent as mine have been to me.

Tonight, mom and dad, I will toast to your awesome accomplishment (with sparkling cider, of course).� Congratulations!

Oven Timer: 23 weeks, 3 days

Topics: Milestones, Announcements, little baby lump, relationship, wedding anniversary, parents, someecards, marriage

My Subway Baby

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 17, 2008 5:53:52 AM

It looks like I got so caught up rambling about leash kids yesterday that I forgot to update you on how Baby Lump is doing this week!� By the way, yesterday's post seems to have sparked some pretty heated discussion in its comments section, and I hope I didn't offend any of you former leash kids/parents.� As Kristin pointed out, "To each his own."

That said, Baby Lump is doing just great!� This week, he/she should clock in at a whole foot long and about a pound and a quarter.� Let's see, what kind of food can we compare him/her to this week?� Perhaps a $5 Footlong from Subway (stuffed with lots of meat and toppings).� Except obviously my baby is priceless and a way better deal.� Does anyone else now have that jingle stuck in their head?


Well, you will now.

Anyway, while Baby Lump is sans fat right now, apparently he/she will double in weight within the next four weeks.� (Let's hope I don't do the same!)� And although his/her eyelids are still sealed shut, Baby Lump is actually starting to make facial expressions such as squinting and frowning - probably when I catch James singing in the shower since now Baby Lump is capable of responding to sounds outside the womb.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get this Subway jingle out of my head.

Oven Timer: 23 weeks, 2 days

Topics: Weekly Updates, little baby lump, 23 weeks, $5 Footlong, Subway

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