
Welcome My New Nephew, Gus!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jul 7, 2009 2:46:19 PM

[caption id="attachment_888" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="Sleepy Gus "]Sleepy Gus [/caption]

It's official - little Rus Gus has finally made his debut into the world!� The blond Russel Augusten Nutter was born this afternoon, breathing his first fresh breath of air at 2:26 p.m.� That's right, no more swimming around for the little guy.� And I must say, he's quite a handsome little guy at that.� Though Gus was born via an unexpected C section due to his breech position, the operation went smoothly and Adrienne, Mac and the Gusbuster are all happy and well.

Some stats:

Birthday: July 7, 2009

Weight: 7 lbs. 7 oz.� (on 7/7!)

Length: 20.6 inches

Apgar Scores: 8 and 9 (same as Emmett's!)

I'm super excited to be an aunt, and I can tell Emmett is chomping at the bit for his new cousin to be his playmate as well.� Congrats, Mac and A!� Can't wait to meet the little trouble maker :)

[caption id="attachment_889" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="Naked Gus"]Naked Gus[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_890" align="aligncenter" width="604" caption="Gus and Adrienne "]Gus and Adrienne [/caption]

Gus Age Timer: 7 hours, 20 minutes

Topics: Surprises, Announcements, cousin, nephew, sister, breech, birth, C section, Gus, aunt

Gus Nutter, Come on Down!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jul 1, 2009 2:07:01 PM

In proper Price is Right fashion, my soon-to-be nephew, Gus is "[coming] on down!"� I'm so excited!� My sister, Adrienne had a visit with her obstetrician this afternoon, and she is 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced.� Little Gus is on his way!� She is due July 11, so it could be any day now.� Some cool possibilities for Gus' birthday:

  • July 4 - Adrienne's husband, Mac's birthday, not to mention Independence Day!

  • July 9 - Adrienne and Mac's wedding anniversary (4 years)

  • July 16 - Emmett's half birthday; the cousins would be exactly 6 months apart!

I'm thrilled to be a first time aunt once Gus arrives.� It's so crazy to think that if Gus is born by July 16, I'll be a first time mom and aunt all within 6 months!� Babies, babies, babies!

Enjoy this video (taken a month ago) of Adrienne's nephew, Patrick, engaging in some prenatal care for baby Gus ...


Adrienne and Mac are heading to their friend's wedding this Friday.� Maybe some wedding dancing will induce labor ...

Age Timer: 23 weeks, 5 days

Topics: Weekly Updates, video, baby, nephew, sister, aunt, due date

A Shower for Adrienne and Gus

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Mar 26, 2009 12:22:25 PM

So much to blog about!� It's been a busy past couple weeks - a visit from my sister, Adrienne and my brother-in-law, Mac; a trip with Emmett to New Jersey for Adrienne's baby shower; and Emmett's first run-in with the extended family - second cousins, great aunts and uncles, great grandparents.� Plus, I'm back to work.� Rather than overwhelming you with the past couple weeks' events in one long post, I'll plan on a series of posts in the next few days.

Last Saturday we had Adrienne's baby shower.� We went with a spa theme, complete with candles, a hand scrub, peppermint soaked washcloths, a cool spoon eye treatment and soothing, spa-like music.� Everyone had a great time, and Adrienne was showered with some great gifts for Baby Gus (and some gifts to pamper herself as well!).

Check out some of the day's events in pictures ...

[caption id="attachment_734" align="aligncenter" width="584" caption="Spa Candles and Wheat Grass "]Spa Candles and Wheat Grass [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_735" align="aligncenter" width="583" caption="Lauren, Lindsay and Grammy "]Lauren, Lindsay and Grammy [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_736" align="aligncenter" width="580" caption="Chelsea and the Mom-to-Be"]Chelsea and the Mom-to-Be[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_738" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Tower of Tastykakes"]Tower of Tastkakes[/caption]

Age Timer: 9 weeks, 6 days

Topics: Events, party, baby shower, sister, Gus

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