
His Diaper is Full ... Full of Chic

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jun 6, 2010 8:23:39 AM

I was hardly kidding when I said I'd be purchasing a pack of Huggies Jeans diapers (if you missed my previous post, including the awesome commercial, click here now).� Well, needless to say, I bought some, they're awesome, and James is super embarrassed for Emmett.

It's been hot, so Emmett's been modeling them around the apartment quite frequently...

[caption id="attachment_1205" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Now, he poos in blue."] toddler in Huggies Jeans diaper[/caption]

In other news, Emmett also cut his 7th tooth (on the bottom left side) this week, further preparing his chompers to bite into a nice piece of steak.

Age Timer: 16 months, 2 weeks

Topics: Weekly Updates, fashion, diapers, shopping, Huggies Jeans

Gearing up for the Move

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Aug 17, 2009 8:53:06 AM

The move is only two weeks away, so James and I are trying to get as organized as possible.� While we're not moving far (about a mile away), September 1 is the busiest move-in day of the year around here because of the college crowd, so we're trying to mentally prepare for a couple days of craziness.

In anticipation of having a moving truck on moving day, James and I went couch shopping this past weekend, and whaddya know? We found one! It's mossy green, very comfy, it fit our budget, and it definitely beats the crummy futon we've been hurting our backs and butts on over the past year.� We bought it at Jordan's.

[caption id="attachment_928" align="aligncenter" width="571" caption="James testing out our new couch"]James testing out our new couch[/caption]

I also finally had a chance to refurbish the coffee table I bought for $5 a couple of months ago at the Goodwill store.� A few screws to fix the wobble, some sandpaper, a few fresh coats of black paint and some elbow grease later - BAM - a beautiful "new" coffee table!� It's a bit large for the living room we have now, but it'll be just right in our new place.

[caption id="attachment_929" align="aligncenter" width="580" caption="Our "new" coffee table "]Our "new" coffee table [/caption]

James and I are looking forward to moving to a bigger space soon, and Emmett should be, too.� It's fully carpeted for the little guy to crawl around to his heart's desire, and there's a lot more room for him to get into trouble.

On another note, he's really been enjoying his solids lately, and he's truly starting to get the hang of it.� Here's a lovely pic of the aftermath of a meal of sweet potatoes:

[caption id="attachment_931" align="aligncenter" width="587" caption="Emmett loves sweet potatoes "]Emmett loves sweet potatoes [/caption]

Check out some pics from James and my camping trip a couple of weekends ago on my personal Flickr page.

Age Timer: 7 months, 1 day

Topics: Weekly Updates, shopping, apartment, couch, moving, sweet potatoes, furniture

Emmett Likes Oatmeal!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jun 18, 2009 12:00:00 PM

[caption id="attachment_873" align="aligncenter" width="421" caption="Gerber Oatmeal"]Gerber Oatmeal[/caption]

Or "oap-meal," as my family likes to call it.� Well, oatmeal mixed with formula, that is.� He definitely prefers it over rice cereal.� It's kind of fun that his preferences, likes and dislikes are starting to shine through.� He managed to eat most of what I prepared tonight, and then proceeded to ask for more, as shown in this video:


What a messy lil dude.� Good thing he was wearing his Terrible Towel bib to mop him up with, courtesy of Uncle Dan and Uncle Matt.

[caption id="attachment_874" align="aligncenter" width="665" caption="Messy Dude in Terrible Towel Bib"]Messy Dude in Terrible Towel Bib[/caption]

Age Timer: 5 months, 2 days

Topics: video, shopping, feeding, solids, oatmeal, Terrible Towel Bib

Wish We'd Thought of this Sooner

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

May 27, 2009 12:02:42 PM

Whenever James and I have attempted to take the Chicco travel system stroller onto the T lately, it's been quite the ordeal.� Let's face it -- the MBTA is not exactly stroller- (or even handicap-) friendly.� It's basically impossible for one of us to take him on the train in the stroller without the help of the other, and it really is hard work to carry it up and down the stairs in the underground stations.

So on Memorial Day, when we returned from our trip to the Public Garden, I decided to try out the Chicco umbrella stroller we were given by my friend, Allie.� I'd always assumed Emmett was still too small to fit into it, but after realizing how big he is for his age, I figured I'd give it a try.� Needless to say, James and I wish we'd decided to give it a go sooner.� Em fits into it just fine, and it's a heck of a lot lighter for when we need to maneuver stairs and the MBTA!� I'm pretty sure Emmett enjoys how his feet are free-hanging.� We went for a test drive yesterday, and he really seems to like swinging his feet.

[caption id="attachment_842" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Emmett in his red Chicco umbrella stroller"]Emmett in his red Chicco umbrella stroller[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_843" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Big Boy"]Big Boy[/caption]

Age Timer: 18 weeks, 5 days

Topics: shopping, Chicco, stroller

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