
Puzzle Piece Cymbals

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

May 1, 2010 3:08:28 AM

Did you know wooden puzzle pieces make fabulous cymbals?� I didn't -- until recently...


I'm assuming this means Emmett is musically inclined.� I could also assume that he's an out-of-box thinker.� Or it's just that he's a boy, and boys will be boys.

Age Timer: 15 months, 2 weeks


Topics: video, Toys

Emmett and the Waddlers at My Gym

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Apr 7, 2010 8:41:12 AM

For Christmas, my parents decided to give Emmett and me some money to sign up for a parent participation My Gym class.� My Gym is a children's fitness center with locations all over the world, and there just so happens to be one very close to where we live.� I finally signed us up for a session, and yesterday we participated in our first Waddlers class for children ages 14-22 months.� We had a lot of fun, but let's just say Emmett's independent personality was never more apparent, and he has a lot of work to do on his cooperative skills.

[caption id="attachment_1179" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="a partial view of My Gym Boston"]My Gym Boston[/caption]

Emmett was a huge fan of "free play," where the kids can wander around the room, free to do whatever they want.� And there's a lot to choose from -- a large ball pit, wedge-shaped gym mats, slides, trampolines, climbing walls. Speaking of climbing, there are multiple options for the "climber," which Emmett has expressed a lot of interest in at home recently. (Let's just say if I leave the room for 2 seconds, I'll come back to him standing on top of the coffee table as if he's just claimed a new land.)� I'm hoping his My Gym experiences will help to satisfy his climbing urges rather than encourage more of them at home, but only time will tell.� He also had no problem with "separation time," when the kids' accompanied parents are asked to leave the play area and leave the children alone with the My Gym instructors.

[caption id="attachment_1180" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="the Waddlers during "separation time" (looks like one mom didn't understand the concept)"]My Gym Separation Time [/caption]

On the other hand, any sort of organized activity was a struggle.� "Circle time," when all of the children and their parents sit in a circle for specific activities, was not a welcomed part of My Gym time for Emmett.� I'm hoping that in the weeks to come, the class will help Emmett learn how to follow directions and participating in organized activities will become easier.� Again, only time will tell ...

In other news, last night before bed Emmett went on Safari, killed and skinned a wild giraffe and then displayed it as a hood ornament ...

[caption id="attachment_1178" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Emmett on Safari"][/caption]

Age Timer: 14 months, 3 weeks

Topics: Weekly Updates, Firsts, waddlers, My Gym

Emmett's First Artistic Experience: Crayons!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Mar 12, 2010 7:36:48 AM

My parents sent us a care package yesterday, which included a pack of Crayola crayons and a drawing pad.� It reminded me of when I used to go school supplies shopping near the end of the summer and got way too excited over packs of fresh, new, virgin crayons.

[caption id="attachment_1173" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Emmett's First Drawing"]baby, crayons, drawing[/caption]

We broke them out immediately, Emmett double-fisting a brown and a purple and running down the hallway in a tizzy.� "Something tells me these will be both a joy and a headache," James said.� I agree -- crayon time is definitely going to have to be a contained and closely monitored activity.� I have a feeling I'm going to get much more use out of� my Magic Eraser in the near future...


Age Timer: 13 months, 3 weeks

Topics: video, Firsts, art, crayons, drawing

Family Rendezvous in NJ

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Feb 23, 2010 8:34:34 AM

Last weekend my immediate family, minus one sister (sad face), met for a family rendezvous at my parents' house in New Jersey.� We spent some great quality time together, enjoyed watching baby Gus rock out in his doorway jumper, visited the (great) grandparents in PA and had a lot of fun witnessing the two goobers interact (especially in the bath tub).� Emmett had a bit of a cold (which translated to a couple of family members), but other than that, it was a successful trip.� Check out some of the visual highlights below, including a pretty awesome video of Gus gnawing on Emmett (with a surprise ending)...


[caption id="attachment_1167" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Gran-D and the boys"]grandfather, babies[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1168" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Rockin' Out"]baby, toddler, aunt[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1169" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Happy Gus!"]baby, face[/caption]

I'm looking forward to the next time Gus and Emmett get together.� Gus will probably be Emmett's current age, and Emmett will be 19 months.

For more pictures from last weekend's visit, check out the "NJ Family Rendezvous" set on Flickr.

Age Timer: 13 months, 1 week

Topics: Weekly Updates, family, video, cousins, visit

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