
Puzzle Piece Cymbals

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

May 1, 2010 3:08:28 AM

Did you know wooden puzzle pieces make fabulous cymbals?� I didn't -- until recently...


I'm assuming this means Emmett is musically inclined.� I could also assume that he's an out-of-box thinker.� Or it's just that he's a boy, and boys will be boys.

Age Timer: 15 months, 2 weeks


Topics: video, Toys

First Birthday Recap: Monkey Cake in the Face

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jan 20, 2010 11:12:38 AM

I'm happy to report that Emmett's first birthday party (Theme: Mod Monkey) was a complete success.� There were very minimal freakouts or snafus, and I think it's safe to say that everyone had a great time.� A huge thanks goes to my parents, Niki and James for helping out and to everyone who attended and sent gifts, cards & Happy Birthday wishes to make his day special.

[caption id="attachment_1147" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="The Birthday Boy in his Mod Monkey Party Hat"]Birthday Baby[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1150" align="aligncenter" width="549" caption="Balloon Boy"]Balloon Boy[/caption]

It goes without saying that Emmett made out big time with all his presents.� He received not one -- but two -- ball pits (you jealous?).� However, oddly enough, Emmett's favorite present seemed to be a cupcake-shaped Target gift card from Uncle Shawn, Aunt Sara and cousin Ben.� It must have been that whole give-a-kid-a-present-and-he'd-rather-play-with-the-box mentality.

It took Emmett a little while to master the whole cake-eating concept, but eventually he got the hang of it.� Check out the video (though I'm warning you, it's kind of long)...


[caption id="attachment_1148" align="aligncenter" width="549" caption="Cake to the Face!"]Baby's first birthday cake[/caption]

*Fun Fact: Emmett is sitting in the same high chair I sat in on my first birthday.

James took Emmett to his 1 year checkup on Tuesday, and the little man is doing just fine.� He's now 22 lbs. 10.5 oz. (49th percentile) and 32 inches long (96th percentile), and he even got the go-ahead to start substituting whole milk for formula.

I still can't believe it's been a year, but I've enjoyed every single minute of it!

For more photos from Emmett's first birthday party, check out the Birthday set on Flickr.

Age Timer: 1 year, 4 days

Topics: Milestones, video, Firsts, Toys, cake, happy birthday, cupcake, first birthday, birthday party

Emmett Test Drives His New Walker

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jun 16, 2009 6:17:53 AM

Remember how I told you that all Em seems to want to do lately is stand up?� Well, thanks to Gran Lucy, now he can -- without any help from James or me!� He has a brand new Sesame Street ABC Elmo Activity Walker, and he absolutely loves it.� Here he is taking it for a test drive:


That video was taken before we had a chance to add the toys.� He loves it even more now that they're there.

[caption id="attachment_864" align="aligncenter" width="696" caption="Nibbling on Cookie Monster's cookie"]Nibbling on Cookie Monster's cookie[/caption]

We also tried out Emmett's TravelSeat hook-on Chicco high chair for the first time yesterday, too.� I think he's a fan.� Still doesn't really seem to be a fan of rice cereal though.� I think we'll have to try something else.

[caption id="attachment_865" align="aligncenter" width="669" caption="Love the hippos! Hip? Hip-hop? Hip-hop-anonymous?"]Love the hippos!  Hip? Hip-hop? Hip-hop-anonymous?[/caption]

In other news, Emmett is 5 months old today!� Can you believe it?

Age Timer: 5 months


Topics: Milestones, video, Toys

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