
Where Did They Go?

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Nov 3, 2010 2:50:00 PM

It may have taken Emmett a little bit longer than others his age to jump on the talking bandwagon, but it seems he's hit quite a turning point recently. Starting to speak in full sentences and mimicking almost anything we say (EXCEPT any form of 'mom' -- can you tell I'm bitter?), his favorite new question is, "Where did they/it/he go?" He's even got the hand motions down pat!

See for yourself in this recent video from Nana and Gran-D ...


Topics: Milestones

Superman Goes Trick-or-Treating

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Nov 2, 2010 10:49:37 AM

With Emmett's grandparents in tow, James and I took Emmett (AKA Superman) for his first ever trick-or-treating experience this past Halloween.� Emmett made a pretty fabulous Superman, selecting the red and blue suit over the alternative lobster costume (though much to my dismay).

[caption id="attachment_1285" align="aligncenter" width="538" caption="A sad lobster and Superman. Superman won."]toddler Halloween costumes[/caption]

While Superman was a pretty indecisive trick-or-treater when first presented with bowls of various goodies, he got the hang of it by the end of our adventure, knocking on doors himself and saying "Thank you -- bye!" without even being prompted (video).

[caption id="attachment_1286" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption=""Trick or treat!""]parents, toddler trick or treating[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1287" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="So much to choose from!"]toddler trick or treating[/caption]

Nana and Gran-D even taught Emmett how to appropriately get into the Superman character. Watch the footage below to see Emmett flying and making sound effects like Superman.


Quite a step up from his first Halloween, huh? For more photos from Halloween, check out the Halloween 2010 set on Flickr!

Age Timer: 21 months, 2 weeks


Topics: holidays, video, Firsts, Halloween

Vote Emmett the Next babyGap Model!

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Oct 11, 2010 9:31:40 AM

Just so we're clear, I am not trying to pimp out my child nor do I have the intention of becoming any kind of pageant mom whatsoever, but I just couldn't help myself with this one.� I've entered Emmett into the Gap Casting Call to become one of the next babyGap models, and he'd love your vote (seriously -- he told me).� If you don't become completely frustrated by the crapiness of the website (could they have made Emmett's photo any more pixelated?!), please at least attempt to vote.


[caption id="attachment_1280" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="Emmett loves Gap clothing. See? ;o)"]baby in Gap outfit[/caption]



Click here to vote for Emmett!� Thanks for your support!

Age Timer: 20 months, 3 weeks

Topics: Gap contest, babyGap, contest, Gap casting call

An Afternoon at Tougas Farm

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Sep 19, 2010 3:23:21 PM

It may not be officially fall for another four days, but it sure does feel like it!� Today we spent the afternoon at Tougas Farm in Northboro after a recommendation from James, who'd taken his students there on a field trip a couple of weeks ago.

[caption id="attachment_1271" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="This is my absolute favorite picture of the day. He was so excited to be standing on that rock!"]toddler, pumpkin patch[/caption]

We� spent the afternoon drinking apple cider, feeding goats (video), getting heckled by roosters, playing on the playground and picking pumpkins.� Despite the fact that there were a million people there and it was basically impossible to snap a photo of Emmett on the tractor (which was very disappointing), we all had a blast!� We also learned, yet again, that a stick is always better than pretty much anything to little boys, even a patch full of pumpkins ...


[caption id="attachment_1272" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Emmett the Flower"]toddler flower[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1273" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Pumpkin Picker"]toddler in pumpkin patch[/caption]

Check out more photos from our afternoon in the Tougas Farm set on Flickr.� Happy fall!

Age Timer: 20 months

Topics: Weekly Updates, video, fall, farm, Outings, pumpkin picking

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