Well, the holidays are officially underway, and as always, I'm super behind on my Christmas shopping.� We have, however, managed to get the stockings hung, the tree (delivered by James' parents from Maine) up and decorated and our holiday cards safely to their destinations.� Although I wish I could send a card to everyone I know, it's simply not possible, so here's a peak for everyone to see:

Yes, Emmett has a full-out Santa suit.� Yes, this was the best picture I could get of him in it, even after two photo shoots on separate occasions.� Now I understand why people take their kids to professional photographers.� It was literally impossible to get a quality picture of Emmett smiling that also showed off the Santa suit.
[caption id="attachment_1107" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Santa Baby"]

In developmental milestone news, Emmett is officially only a month away from his first birthday.� He now has six teeth -- four on the top and two on the bottom in the front -- and as of earlier this week, he weighs 21 lbs, 11 oz.
He's getting more adventurous about his standing, too.� If you let go of him he can stand without help for a few seconds, and if you hold one of his hands, he'll walk around with you.�� He can also now climb onto the chair in our living room by himself, which means he now garners a lot more attention from me.� Can I say the cliche thing?� He's seriously growing up so fast!� After much hesitation, I even gave him his first (very) overdue haircut tonight - just a little off the sides.
For more pictures from Emmett's Santa Baby photo shoots, check out the Flickr set here.Age Timer: 11 months