
Let's All Hope and Pray I Don't Give Birth to a ManBaby

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Nov 26, 2008 2:57:16 PM

Be prepared.� The Web site I'm about to share with you may either crack you up or creep you out, but I'm assuming more often than not it will be the latter.� For me, I think it does both.

So basically, there's this site called� It takes normal pictures of father-son interactions and superimposes their heads on each other's body.� Case in point:

[caption id="attachment_388" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="ManBabies Pool Time"]ManBabies Pool Time[/caption]

Creepy, right?� How about this one ...

[caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Backpacking ManBabies"]Backpacking ManBabies[/caption]

Pretty funny, I think.� Anyway, I'll let you decide for yourself.� My sister shared the site with me, and I definitely thought it was worthy enough to be featured on the blog.� Hey, it can't be any worse than the Baby Shower Cake Wrecks or the Martha Stewart Halloween costumes, can it?� I'm not gonna lie - if Baby Lump turns out to be a boy, I'm kind of looking forward to taking a picture of James and him and making a ManBaby picture out of it.� My new laptop is fully equipped with PhotoShop.� ;o)

In the interim, feel free to check out more ManBabies at at your leisure.

As for Baby Lump, my last doctor appointment revealed that my baby bump is measuring slightly smaller than it should be for 33 weeks gestation (See, It's not just me being paranoid that I seem small!).� Based on my too-small belly, our doctor scheduled an ultrasound for this Monday.� A little worrisome to me, but on the bright side, we get more fetal baby pictures!

And there's no need for James and I to avert our eyes; apparently it's not possible for the untrained eye to tell the baby's sex, even this far along.� Another cool thing is we'll probably be able to find out the exact weight of Baby Lump, along with his/her position in the womb.� Hopefully his/her head is starting to point downward to make for an easy landing.

Oven Timer: 33 weeks, 2 days


Topics: Weekly Updates, Internet Fun, Bizarre, ManBabies, ultrasound, baby bump, baby presentation, 33 weeks, belly

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