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Emmett and the Big Tub

Posted by Pamela Vaughan

Jan 6, 2010 12:29:51 PM

Emmett outgrew his "Newborn-to-Toddler" tub months ago. It's been practically impossible to keep the kid's bottom half completely submerged in the thing for a while; he kind of looks like a grown man riding a tricycle with his knees uncomfortably poking him in the face. Now I know Emmett is somewhat of a long baby, but the "to-Toddler" part of that tub is just unrealistic.

But hey, 1) why would you need your toddler confined to a small plastic tub anyway and 2) who cares? He absolutely loves the big tub, and now he has the perfect opportunity to play with all 5oo of his bath time squirt toys.

Exhibit A.

[caption id="attachment_1125" align="aligncenter" width="539" caption="Happy Emmett in the tub"]baby in a tub[/caption]

Exhibit B. (Hey, don't take my word for it. Emmett will tell you all about it himself...)


Age Timer: 11 months, 3 weeks

Topics: video, bathtub, tub, bathtime

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